The MMF shop opened again in May.
In 2019, together with the Museum, Friends gained the use of a substantial shop in Fremlins Walk Precinct – at no cost. The shop had been vacant for some months and agreement was reached with the precinct management company for MMF/Museum to use the premises under a short term lease, providing no commercial use is secured . No rent is charged, MMF receive a significant rate relief, and the company pay the residue.
Clearly, the shop had to close during the Covid 19 first lock down period, but when retail premises reopened in early September 2020 MMF took on the premises, but then it had to close again in November. But, it is now open again. It is there to sell artwork by Kentish artist, Geoffrey Hall, to raise money for the Museum and raise its and MMF’s profile. The artwork is in the form of various sized prints, cards, table mats and coasters – we acquired this at no cost from the artist’s family. Part of the display has been recently developed to show historic photographs off the Town. They are there to ‘jog’ visitors’ memories of the town as it was.
The one year lease was extended on a rolling basis,
We are accepted by the Fundraising Regulator, the independent regulator for charitable fundraising in England, Wales & Northern Ireland. It says, to you, that we help promote best practice, defend the sector and demonstrate compliance with the law.
Maidstone Museums’ Friends are pleased to be members of the Association of Independent Museums.
AIM represents, connects and strengthens the UK’s independent museums and heritage organisations.
Maidstone Museums’ Friends are part of a wider network across the the UK of those local groups who support culture and Heritage. We are members of the British Association of Friends of Museums (BAFM)
For all questions please contact:
Mr Ivan White, MMF Membership Secretary
MMF is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for data protection.
ICO is an independent body set up to uphold information rights.
Personal Details
MMF hold your contact details only for the purpose of keeping you informed about matters relating to Maidstone’s Museums and the Foundation. These details will be kept for a maximum of 15 calendar months after your last active paid membership expires. We will never share your personal or financial details with any other organisation.
We keep your information safely and securely, and only Trustees of MMF are given access to your data
Should you wish to request access, corrections or removal of your personal information please contact us by contacting:
Ivan White, MMF Membership Secretary
Photographs on the Website
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Copyright Maidstone Museums Foundation 2024