June 2024
The comedian, actor and presenter Hugh Dennis officially opened the new archaeology gallery ‘Lives In Our Landscape’ at the Museum on Tuesday 4th June.
Hugh hosts The Great British Dig on More 4 and has developed a strong interest in archaeology and heritage issues after filming three series and investigating nearly thirty sites. The pilot episode excavated a Roman site in Lower Fant, Maidstone in 2019. The show involves residents exploring the archaeology beneath their back gardens, often uncovering a previously forgotten past.
Hugh said:
“Maidstone Museum have really achieved something quite outstanding with this immersive and exciting gallery. I would encourage everyone to come and see it and experience the changing landscapes of Kent for themselves.”
The exciting new family-friendly gallery tells the story of how people have lived in the area over a vast span of time. Objects dating back more than 600,000 years are on show, from the earliest type of humans hunting animals with stone tools in a forested landscape, up to the medieval period, when Maidstone became a bustling market town.
Maidstone Museum Manager, Natalie Moor said:
“The gallery will transport people through time and allow them to imagine how a person lived thousands of years ago. The skeleton and film of the Eastry woman, buried nearly 1,500 years ago is a great example of this. They tell her story and give clues about her life through scientific analysis of her teeth and bones.”
Visitors will be able to use an interactive touchscreen map to explore what has been unearthed in the borough of Maidstone and take part in hands-on activities, handling objects and trying on costumes and interacting digitally and physically with the collections.
MMF raised just over £100,000 towards the £800,000 cost in 2023 through approaches to grant giving charities, a local business, a KCC member devolved budget and donations from many friends.
We are accepted by the Fundraising Regulator, the independent regulator for charitable fundraising in England, Wales & Northern Ireland. It says, to you, that we help promote best practice, defend the sector and demonstrate compliance with the law.
Maidstone Museums’ Friends are pleased to be members of the Association of Independent Museums.
AIM represents, connects and strengthens the UK’s independent museums and heritage organisations.
Maidstone Museums’ Friends are part of a wider network across the the UK of those local groups who support culture and Heritage. We are members of the British Association of Friends of Museums (BAFM)
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Mr Ivan White, MMF Membership Secretary info@maidstonemuseumsfriends.org.uk
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