News Articles

MMF News articles are listed in chronological order with the latest first - click the titles to read the full article.

A Talk by Bill Stotesbury

On Thursday 4th November Friends receive a fascinating presentation.

Bill Stotesbury, a local artist and designer will talk about:
“Charting Maidstone’s Story – the Making of the Maidstone Wallchart”

We have an enlarged version of the wallchart on display in the pop-up shop, and many visitors have admired how informative it is about
their town.

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AGM & Sam Harris Talk

MMF is to hold the AGM on Thursday 7th October in the Pop-Up shop. This will be followed by a talk from Sam Harrioa, of the Museum. Start at 6pm with the doors open at 5.30pm.
This is a FREE event
with Tea,Coffee and Biscuits.

We hope you can attend. If so, would you kindly advise Ivan White at
or post 21 Flaxman Drive
ME16 0RU

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MMF Holds First Talk in Shop

In September MMF held its first Talk in the Pop-Up shop in Fremlin Walk. After the extensive periods of lockdown it was good to meet up again with fellow Friends.

Robin Ambrose, the local historian and writer, was our first speaker

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MMF Pop-Up Shop

The uses to which the Pop-Up Shop in Fremlin Walk are being out has been expanded over the last three months.
It is being used to hold MMF events and meetings, providing a real focal point in the town centre for Friends. The Trustees are already holding monthly Board meetings. And the Events’ calendar commences in early September with a talk by Robin Ambrose

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Robin Ambrose to give a Talk to Friends

We are pleased to report that Robin Ambrose, the local historian and writer, is to give an illustrated talk to the Friends.
It will be at the Pop-Up shop in Fremlin Walk on Thursday 2nd September – starting at 6.30pm.
The talk will be “Sights and Memories of Sandling”. It covers Sandling & Boarley: four Big Houses (including Boxley Abbey), the zoo, the riverside, farms, wartime and more).

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Maidstone’s Museums Re-opened in May 21

The team at the Museums are again operating the wonderful collections here in Maidstone.

Things are a bit different though. The main Museum is open between 10am and 4pm, Wednesday-Saturday for most of the year. During school holidays, it is open from Monday to Saturday but will close altogether from mid-December to mid-February.

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