June 2023

There was a good turn out to this year’s AGM, held again in the Friends’ Shop.

There were excellent and informative reports from the Chairman, recounting the year’s efforts and achievements, and from the Treasurer, showing the organisation is in very good shape finance-wise.

Stephen Farrant, the Friends’ Treasurer for an incredible 17 years, has stepped down. The Chairman paid tribute to his loyalty and dedication to MMF – he departs the organisation leaving it in a very good financial position.

In his place Sarah Jennings, also a chartered accountant, was elected by Friends to the board.

Afterwards an excellent presentation was given by Victoria Barlow, the Museum Director, on the progress in making the ‘Lives in Our Landscape’ gallery (archaeology) happen.  We heard that finance is all in place as are designers for the gallery – they have held workshops with the stakeholders and are already proposing some exciting ideas. The gallery is still on schedule to be completed by late Spring next year.

Subsequently we learnt that Victoria is moving on from Maidstone Museum. The board, and all Friends we are sure, thank her for her dedication to the Museum & wish her luck in future endeavours.