Egypt’s glory days and the Old Testament

March 2024

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses – all familiar figures in the Old Testament and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Think also of Exodus and the parting of the Red Sea. But there is no archaeological evidence to confirm the characters existed or the event happened. However, that’s not to say they didn’t…and anyway, why spoil a good story?

So said Fiona Deal in her latest MMF talk on Links between Ancient Egypt and the Old Testament that fascinated a large audience in the Museum Friends Shop on Thursday March 14, 2024.

The author of 10 novels with an Egyptian theme took a lively look at the prominent pharaohs of Egypt’s “glory days” between 1,500 and 1,800 BC – the likes of Akhenaten – possibly Tutankhamun’s father; Amenhotep III the Magnificent who enjoyed a “huge harem” of foreign women; and Thutmosis III.  

 “I don’t have to prove anything,” said Fiona. She doesn’t, as she weaves entertaining stories around the characters for which there is evidence. She showed images of iconic Egyptian scenes – the pyramids, and sailing boats silhouetted against an Aswan sunset. Egypt, she enthused, is “the amazing magical mystical place that has been the love of my life.” 

More on Fiona and her books at: